[BOOK|MOBI] Aftermath: On Marriage and Separation
Dating > Aftermath: On Marriage and Separation
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Dating > Aftermath: On Marriage and Separation
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As always with Cusk, it's exhilarating to feel stimulated, to have fabulous phrases and similes cause pulses of pleasure. And in its vivid use of image and metaphor. An astonishing 30,000 divorces were granted, most of them to women whom history had rarely given access to the courts before, let alone to equality within marriage and before the law. As always with Cusk, it's exhilarating to feel stimulated, to have fabulous phrases and similes cause pulses of pleasure.
There's also a rather odd last chapter, seen through the eyes of a hapless eastern European au pair living with a disintegrating family, which had me somewhat confused. And while some mothers may be nervous at the thought of returning to the workforce — and certainly some resent it — their new independence and changing roles can boost their confidence and self-esteem. When the girls go to visit their father, Cusk is adrift. Frankly, the book is often tedious.
Notifications - Cusk's declared interest in the truth does not encompass the low detail of how her marriage actually came apart. In the winter of 2009, Rachel Cusk's marriage of ten years came to an end.